Three Off the Tee Iss. 7
You just hit into Three Off the Tee, our latest roundup of golf news (plus some painfully-relatable videos and memes that might hit you square in the k’nuggins). Steer your cart out of the rough and come on up the fairway to hear more. Hey buddy, could you grab that meme we left on the 3rd green while you’re at it?
Long John is Coming to the Silver Screen

The bad boy of golf is finally coming to a theater near all of us. Jonah Hill will bring his super badness to the role of a lifetime: John Freaking Daly. The scandals and gambling, the women and booze…. those 806-yard drives. That’s what we call box office gold.
Dude, Where's My Clubs?

Even the big dogs make mistakes. But this one was cringe. Prepping for an early morning flight to the 2022 Butterfield Bermuda Championship, Adam Schenk forgot to pack his clubs. At the airport, he realized they were still in his garage. A trip home to grab them and a missed flight later, he found his way there. Still, we’d like to see what he could have done with rental clubs.
From the Water to Par – Without Shoes.

We were kinda spellbound recently when Mark Hubbard, aka @homelesshubbs, made par on the 17th hole at Bermuda. He stood barefoot in water to chip up to the green and later sink it. No shoes, no problem.
See the full video here
Bermuda Shorts 2022

Here’s a big shout out to a guy who didn’t win his first PGA Tour until he was 34. Seamus Power had a one-shot victory at the Butterfield Bermuda Championship, where he birdied the uber-treacherous cliff-side 16th hole three times. By the power of GreySkull, that’s what we call a baller.
This Kid Has “It”

Sometimes, Golf Is Hard

Oh Kayla...
Memes That Hit Too Close to the Clubhouse